
Instance set proposed by Archetti et al. (2007) for the single vehicle single commodity inventory-routing problem. Download instances Download solutions

Solutions by Desaulniers, Rakke, Coelho (Branch-price-and-cut for the IRP, 2014, submitted for publication)

Instance set proposed by Archetti et al. (2012) for the same problem. Larger and more challenging instances. Download instances

Both instance sets were used to evaluate multi-vehicle algorithms (Coelho et al., 2012a; Coelho and Laporte, 2013; Adulyasak et al., 2012) by simply dividing the original vehicle capacity by the number of vehicles considered, rounded to the nearest integer.

Multi-vehicle solutions – small instances

Multi-vehicle solutions – large instances

Exact Solutions of the Multi-Vehicle IRP.

New solutions from the paper Improved Solutions to the Inventory-Routing Problem through Valid Inequalities and Input Ordering (Coelhor and Laporte, 2013d) to follow.

Consistent Multi-Vehicle Inventory-Routing Problem

Download full solution values for the consistent multi-vehicle IRP – small data set.

Download full solution values for the consistent multi-vehicle IRP – large data set.

An Optimized Target Level Inventory Replenishment Policy for Vendor-Managed Inventory Systems

Instance set proposed by Archetti et al. (2007) for the single vehicle inventory-routing problem. Adapted for multi-vehicle case and solved the problem described in Coelho and Laporte (2013b). Download instances Download solutions

An improved model and exact algorithm using local branching for the inventory-routing problem with time windows

Instance set proposed by Lappas et al. (2017) for the inventory-routing problem with time windows. Used in our paper  Download instances Download format of the instances


Adulyasak, Y., Cordeau, J.-F., Jans, R. 2012. Formulations and branch-and-cut algorithms for multi-vehicle production and inventory routing problems. Technical Report G-2012-14, GERAD, Montreal, Canada.

Archetti, C., Bertazzi, L., Hertz, A., Speranza, M. G. 2012. A hybrid heuristic for an inventory routing problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing 24(1) 101–116.

Archetti, C., Bertazzi, L., Laporte, G., Speranza, M. G. 2007. A branch-and-cut algorithm for a vendor-managed inventory-routing problem. Transportation Science 41(3) 382–391.

Coelho, L. C., Cordeau, J.-F., Laporte, G. 2012a. Consistency in multi-vehicle inventory-routing. Transportation Research Part C 24(1) 270–287.

Coelho, L. C., Laporte, G. 2013. The exact solution of several classes of inventory-routing problems. Computers & Operations Research 40(2):558-565.

Coelho, L. C., Laporte, G. 2013b. An Optimized Target Level Inventory Replenishment Policy for Vendor-Managed Inventory Systems. Technical Report CIRRELT.

Coelho, L. C., Laporte, G. 2013d. Improved Solutions for the Inventory-Routing Problem through New Valid Inequalities and Input Ordering. Technical Report CIRRELT.

Demantova, B. E., Scarpin, C. T., Coelho, L. C., & Darvish, M. (2023). An improved model and exact algorithm using local branching for the inventory-routing problem with time windows. International Journal of Production Research, 61(1), 49–64.